Beyond Logic

Episode 20: Starring Joshua-John



Joshua-John is a 26- year -old Psychic Medium, though he is young he has lived a life that many have not. Through his extremely hard childhood, he has used his past as a way of tapping into the Spirit world. Joshua has brought hundreds of healing messages through large group readings, numerous radio shows, and countless private readings. His belief in authenticity and transparency shows in his readings, while communicating with loved ones, angels, and your Spirit Guides. Joshua hold groups readings throughout the year and donates all proceeds to a local non-profit. From working in social work Joshua understands the importance of family and community, his experiences from his childhood and communicating with the departed merge as one while he does readings. Those who have had readings can attest to the healing that can only come from the other-side. Spirit bring up factual information to help heal guide and direct you on your path. Everyday Spirit is showing something new to us, within the mess there is always