New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 15 - Resilience



Episode 15 is the second of the 4-part series on A GROWTH MINDSET. For this week's episode, I discuss RESILIENCE.   Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks.  It is also the ability to thrive, grow and be effective in the face of adversity, challenges and change. People who have a growth mindset possess the trait of resilience.  Resilient people think differently. Resilience can be learned because resilience is primarily about how you think. The interesting thing about resilience is this… EVERYBODY needs it.  Whether you are dealing with bad traffic, or a major challenge such as a negative health diagnosis, job loss, divorce or financial setback. You need resilience! Because you know what? Stress, challenges, and adversity are inevitable.  As I said earlier, resilience is primarily about HOW you think! This is what psychologist call building your self-awareness.  And the best way of building self-awareness is by taking time to notice your thoughts.  If you can be aware of your thoughts, you can