Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"You can argue this both ways, as dumb as it sounds."



On September 24, 2017, President Trump issued a "travel ban" that would prevent foreign nationals from eight countries from entering the United States. The countries listed were: Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Yemen and Somalia. Some government officials from Venezuela were impacted as well. Because these are Muslim-majority countries, many liberals claimed that the travel ban was racist and done in order to single out Muslims. The Trump administration argued that this was an issue of national security and the president, as the chief of the executive branch, has the right to craft immigration policy, especially when national security is involved. The state of Hawaii, along with other parties, sued to block the ban from going into effect. The Supreme Court heard opening arguments in the travel ban case this week. Former federal prosecutor Doug Burns joined Rick and guest co-host Bill Tucker to recap the arguments both sides are trying to make. Author Donald Lee Sheppard talked with the guys about his b