Zac Klassen

Social Media Acting?



Today I SKYPE with Cliff Cisneros. *Note this is the first Skype Podcast I have done*.  I first noticed Cliff from a crap load of comedy YouTube videos that get over millions of views, he was alway acting in their skits and just being hilarious. I reached out to him on instagram and we discuss what its like being an actor in LA. what the difference is between Theatre, Film and Social media acting is. we also discuss dogs lol….. he just happened to be another dog lover like myself.   Cliff’s Instagram   Cliff’s IMDB   More Episodes!   Interested In receiving a shout out & a mention? Heres how you can! Take a screen shot of you listening to the podcast! put it on your Instagram story and tag me!        OR Write a review on iTunes, I will then mention you and your handle at the beginning of my show!   All Episodes are actually posted "LIVE" first. I usually announce on my instagram w