Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 1: Kingdom Hearts and the Grandfather's Axe Paradox



Welcome to the first episode of KHAOS--Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff--the newest show on the Super Nerd Pals Network! I'm Zak Lyons, podcast host and resident Kingdom Hearts fanatic. Each episode a new guest will join me to discuss Kingdom Hearts (and a topic of their choosing). First up is my good friend Nikolai Nelson of Watermelon Banzai and Heavy Blog is Heavy. Nikolai is here to discuss the pros and cons of video game remakes and remasters, and I'm here to remind him of all the times Kingdom Hearts has been remade, re-released, and remastered. You can expect to hear a new episode of KHAOS every other Wednesday on the Super Nerd Pals Network. Thanks for listening, and may your heart be your guiding key! --- You can find Nikolai on Twitter (@WTRMLNBanzai) or on his website ###