Reg A+ Money Show

How A Strong Termsheet Can Help you Raise Seed Capital for Your Regulation A+ Offerings (Part 2)


Sinopse If you’ve ever wondered what favorable terms should be included in your term-sheet, this podcast is for you! How do you want the capital you’re trying to raise to come in and what do you want to pay for it? You’ve got basically three choices: an equity term-sheet, a debt term-sheet, and a hybrid of the two. What should be included? What makes one better or worse than the other? This episode of the Reg.A Money Show podcast covers it all with the main goal being to get the investor (and/or investors) to write you a check What that accomplished, you can start the process of creating your Regulation A+ offering now that you’ve raised the initial seed capital to do so. It all starts with the term-sheet, so all “Reg.A+ contenders” need to understand the information and advice presented in this segment to make that term-sheet a strong one.