Calvary Chapel Reston Station, Reston, Va

322: A Servant Is Not Greater Than His Master - Acts 14:21-28



Message #322 A Servant Is Not Greater Than His Master - Acts 14:21-28 Sunday, May 6th 2018 Here at the conclusion of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey in Acts 14, we opened our study by comparing Jesus' words in John 15:20 and 16:33 with the experiences of Paul and Barnabas. Paul gives to Timothy a great summary of this first journey in 2 Tim 3:10-11. He points to the Christ like example the Lord wrought through his life, and how the Lord delivered him out of each hardship. How in Antioch God delivered them by having them expelled out of the city (Acts 13:50) How in Iconium God delivered them from a violent attempt by Gentiles and Jews to abuse and Stone them. God made them aware of the plot and so they fled to Lystra (Acts 14:4-6) How in Acts 14:8-20) the people of Lystra wrongly treated Paul and Barnabas as gods after a miraculous gift of healing by God, and shortly thereafter sought to stone Paul to death. God's deliverance came by way of either divine preservation and healing or by miracu