Green Milk

Which superhero will John Boyega play in the MCU? | Green Milk #2



Episode two, baby! In this episode, we’ll be discussing the recent rumours regarding Woody Harrelson's role in Venom, John Krasinki's comments on the potential of him playing Mr. Fantastic alongside his wife (Emily Blunt) as Sue Storm, and the endless possibilities of John Boyega joining the MCU! Oh, and we also give a half-arsed attempt at reviewing Pacific Rim: Uprising... If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to our iTunes feed:, subscribe to our YouTube channel:, and rate/review our show on iTunes – Each review saves one stray puppy!* Green Milk is the official podcast of Superhero Network. Visit our site to see more original content as well as a backlog of previous podcast episodes: Follow us individually online: Mitch’s Links: YouTube – Twitter –