Church And State Podcast

CAS 036: Why Libertarians Are Wrong On Islam (with Carlos Morales)



Summary: In this episode, we talk with Carlos Morales of The Libertarian Atheist Podcat about why Libertarians just can't seem to get their mind right on Islam, why you should, statistically speaking, fear Child Protective Services more than your regional child abductor, and the finer points of gluing nipples to assholes. Do you have a nipple you'd like to glue to an asshole? Let us know by emailing us at the email address on the About page, or by hitting us up on Twitter at the Twitter handle on the About page. As always, please direct any and all complaints to our mailing address at: Child Protective Services Child Abuse Hotline: (916) 875-5437 Telephone: (916) 875-0189 E-mail: or on Twitter at: @TalibKweli. SIDEBAR: Because this episode had some recording issues, some of colin's audio might sound strange (telephony) at times. Show Notes: - Carlos's site Carlos