Kettle Of Fish

Wendi Starling Talks About Her Nipples



Wowzers! This was our very first episode of Kettle Of Fish, and the story behind it was kind of funny. As you might have read in our Jamie Farr episode show notes, we started this short comedy driven podcast to kinda decompress from the 2 hours of heated debates during The Ignorance Equation. Little did we know our first episode would be birthed into this world by such an absolutely stupid f**king controversy! Our ridiculous tale of Protruding Mammary Outrage begins on our Drunken Trivia podcast. I had reached out to comedian Wendi Starling after spending my usual nightly shut-in of a life here on Meth Mountain scouring various YouTube videos for talented comedians who gave me a bad case of the ha-has. Wendi Starling immediately grabs my attention with her raw and edgy comedy. But not edgy just for the sake of shock value but edgy from a place of pain and sharing that pain through honesty in her stand up, a formula that always equals brilliant comedy. As always I asked our guest what topic she wanted to d