Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 2: Kingdom Hearts and Podcasts



With this week's episode of Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff, I can say for the only time that our total number of episodes has officially DOUBLED. I know! Crazy, right? It's kind of a big deal for all of us. This week I'm joined by fellow podcast host Joe Cammisa, of the SML Podcast. Joe and I go way back, as we co-founded the long-dormant gaming website Save/Continue, where he began SML back in 2013. He's gone through several platform changes and even more co-hosts since then, but he's kept on with the show through it all, and is creeping up on 400 episodes in total! A goal to aspire to, for sure. Since he's been in the podcasting game for several years, and I'm just getting into it myself, he decided his topic would be podcasts! We talk about his show, and I also elaborate on what KHAOS actually is, so if you're still confused as to what this show is all about, episode 2 is the perfect place to start. We also debate about who in the Kingdom Hearts universe we think would be the best podcast host, and that'