Texas Childrens Hospital: Outcomes

Vaccine-Preventable Disease: HPV



Vaccines are one of the most significant public health achievements of all time. In 2006, we were dealt a game-changer. A vaccine became available that allows parents to protect their children against a disease that causes more than half a dozen different types of cancers including cervical, head, neck, anal, penile, vaginal and vulvar. This disease – human papillomavirus, or HPV – currently affects 79 million Americans and causes 27,000 new cases of cancer in the U.S. each year. Suddenly, we became the generation that could reduce or end HPV-related cancers. And yet, sadly, many parents are declining this life-changing vaccine. Today we will hear from five people dealing with the effects of an HPV diagnosis, and get the straight facts on the virus and the vaccine. To learn more, visit texaschildrens.org/vaccine.