Dnxdigital Nomads Podcast With Silvia Christmann

✨ Stella Romana Airoldi: How to Make the World a Better Place and Drive Change



Stella Romana Airoldi | Making an Impact in the World: Creating a Social Business Stella is one of those people who seem to have been everywhere already. And it’s probably true! In 2008 she decided to travel around the world by herself for about eight months. Wherever she went, she felt like she was confronted with poverty and injustice. Long story short: she got her Master’s in Public International Law and became a board member of SIFE Leiden, where she learned that the best way to help people out of poverty is by making sure that they can provide for themselves. Soon after she founded 22STARS in Uganda, a business based in Kampala, in which women make jewelry from recycled paper. With the project, she enables children to attend school. Today more than 200 kids are in school now and we run 5 development programs. Get your FREE 7 secrets to success guide for digital nomads… NOW! In this workbook we reveal our 7 secrets for a succesful location-independent lifestyle and show you how to gain personal and finan