Folk Roots Radio... With Jan Hall

Interview - The Lifers discussing new album "Honey Suite"



The Lifers, led by sisters Liv and Anita Cazzola, are an art-folk/rock collective from Guelph, Ontario. Liv and Anita have been delighting listening audiences across Canada since there release of their first E.P. “Set the Sails” (2014) and long player “Out & In” (2016). Their intertwined voices dynamically convey vulnerability and strength. Softly plucked strings, accordion swells, and lush cello and upright bass arrangements give way to rip-roaring drums and soaring melodies. Their stories juxtapose tenderness and explosive energy, sometimes within a single breath while exploring notions of home, family and community, and highlighting the beauty, vulnerability and power of nature. Their sophomore album “Honey Suite” is more personal than ever, reflecting on the fragility of life and our world, and touching on themes of place, sisterhood, mental health, and the environment. We caught up with Liv and Anita Cazzola at home in Guelph to chat about the new album. The sisters will be touring the new album across C