Reg A+ Money Show

“Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act” Puts Regulation A+ Offerings Over the Top! (Part 2)


Sinopse This new act certainly will affect PIPE issuers, which is a a private investment firm’s, a mutual fund’s or another qualified investor’s purchase of stock in a company, many times at a discount to the current market value per share for the purpose of raising capital. PIPE stands for “Private Investment in a Public Entity”, and the way people think of them are about to change, all to the benefit of Reg.A+. With the signing of the ““Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act”, Regulation A+ now has validity to every single company listed on a major exchange! Part 2 of this podcast discusses the implications and ramifications of how much this new Act will change the entire landscape of Regulation A+.... and will surely make for an interesting talking point at the Reg.A Symposium.