Super Nerd Pals

KHAOS 4: Kingdom Hearts and Innocence



Welcome to episode 4 of Kingdom Hearts and Other Stuff! While airing *after* the E3 special, canonically this episode takes place nearly three months ago when we recorded it. I know, it might be a tad confusing, but it would hardly be a show about Kingdom Hearts otherwise. This week I'm joined by my friend Amanda Sinning, whose topic is the idea of innocence, particularly in Japanese video games and pop culture. We delve into Sora's character and examine his maturity and growth (or lack thereof), and speculate on how he might continue to grow in the future. Amanda has no major online presence, but if you've got a question for her or would like to get in touch, you can hit me up on Twitter, @zacharyplyons, and I'd be happy to pass your message along. Thanks for listening, and may your heart be your guiding key!