Savoring Our Lives

513 - Pickles and Wine



Welcome to Savoring Our Lives! In this week’s episode, we: Met Hawaiian Ruth and Coffeehouse Chad Ruth's therapist asked her what she would do with just two weeks left to live. She said she would go to Hawaii and chill out on the beach with a tropical drink in hand. He encouraged her to live her life in the mindset of Hawaiian Ruth. [caption id="attachment_977" align="alignright" width="300"] H-Party Wine and Pizza[/caption] Enjoyed some delicious wine We received a wine club shipment from Coppola which included a member-exclusive wine called H-Party.  And we were going to have friends over for dinner but they had to cancel, so we went into the wine vault and pulled out a 2014 Charles Woodson TwentyFour Wines Cabernet. Learned Chad eats his least favorite things first Chad had to clean his plate as a kid and learned to eat the stuff he didn't like first so he could enjoy what he liked best last. Want to share your story about what inspires you? Do you enjoy pickle-less burgers with your wine? Let us know! E