Entertainment Cube

How To Know Characteristics Of Delhiite In A Fun Way?



Amazon Prime in India contracted OML for 14 stand-up specials last year. And this year they are adding some more seeing the growing popularity of stand-up in India. Nishant Tanwar sets the tone with full Delhi attitude in the first 2 minutes and then starts the fun ride with this Cool Bhai with a Swag. Either we can read up about places and especially people from that place and know the stereotype or we can listen to some good stand-up. Good stand-ups have the knack of observing people, their characteristics and then building the stand-up routine blowing few things out of proportion to create humor, but keep a good portion close to reality so that people can relate to it. Delhi se Hoon BC https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0R5LRBG7SW8AQXW2HD7IKRHNJD/ https://youtu.be/jYceZGb9akE https://youtu.be/ny_1UURma7Q Please leave your comments and ratings for the show. If you like the show please Subscribe and Share it with your friends. Because Sharing is Caring! :) You can subscribe to Entertainment Cube podcast at iT