Refuse Defeat With Megan

#004 Consistency is Key — The Opportunity Will Present Itself



When opportunity presents itself, take it! Showing up is more than half the battle. Side story: A while ago I was hiring an assistant. After multiple no-shows I got excited when someone showed up. Good interview or bad, they showed up! That says something. This wasn’t some minimum wage job out in the sun job either; good pay, health benefits, 401k, the whole nine yards (no degree necessary, 100% on the job training). And the person that got hired was 1/9 interviews scheduled. Can you believe it?! All she had to do was show up and she got the job. Jodi mentioned she stayed consistent, her clients could trust her to show up! By just staying consistent you will build trust. Her clients could trust her to put them through a nice hard and sweaty workout (very sweaty - I participated in a workout before we recorded) every time they showed up for a class. They never drove all the way to the gym to find out class was cancelled for the day.Have you ever shown up somewhere and they were closed during normal business ho