Space Brothers Podcast

Episode 4 - Pete Augustin



In the late 1980s one of the largest shifts BMX had ever seen was the street movement. The sport as a whole was dieing, bike companies were cutting back their budgets, and big money pro salaries were vanishing. Many of BMX's biggest named riders dropped out of the sport completely. The days of wearing bmx racing uniforms and being judged for showmanship during contests were all but gone. Which left the door wide open for new cultural icons to emerge and become the face of BMX. Enter Pete Augustin. A former bmx flatlander turned street rider fed up with the bs and politics of old school run contests. As a surfer and skateboarder growing up he watched the sport he loved most, BMX, become run mostly by large companies and outsiders. He wanted more for the sport he loved. He wanted it to be run by the riders, for the riders. Pete is more than a cultural icon for BMX street riding. He's a no frills down to earth personality representing the most popular form of BMX at a time when BMX needed it most! Pete is on