Jeremy Bray

Global Geek News Podcast #53



Here are the shownotes for episode #53 for the Global Geek News Podcast: Stories: * E-reader owners buy more books * New York Times will start charging for online news in 2011 * Microsoft asks users to dump IE6, XP because of security problems * Microsoft merges Zune Software and Xbox teams * Microsoft may drop points system from Xbox, Zune * Study: Gamers have bigger brains, better learners * Kids less happy as they are more plugged in to music/tv/web? * Larry and Sergey plan to give up control of Google * Judge cuts P2P lawsuit damages by 97% * Court: WHOIS privacy is illegal for spammers * Hulu considering $5/mo charge for older episodes Tips of the Week: * 10 blog topics that anyone can use * 18 blog tips that will help you succeed in 2010 Fan Global Geek News on Facebook and follow it on Twitter! Host: Jeremy Bray & Wesley Faulkner For more news, check out the Global Geek News Blog