Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

5 Key Factors That Determine How & When We Die



Episode 3 of Season 8 of Afterlife TV (if you missed episodes 1 or 2, watch them first): I think this the best episode of the first 3 episodes. Here I discuss 5 key factors that determine how and when we die. Ever wonder how it is that a soul chooses when to leave the planet — when to return home to the spirit world? Here are the 5 main factors that our soul uses to make that choice. I end this episode with a very special clip from one of my interviews with someone who had a near-death experience. I chose this highlight clip because it speaks to how important we each are as spiritual beings inhabiting this world. Said another way, this speaks to how important YOU are to this world. I can’t think of a more important message to give you right now. So have fun listening (or watching), and I look forward to your comments. Much love, Bob Olson ~ & Loving gratitude to my wife, Melissa, for the use of all her gorgeous photographs for our video.  SHOW NOTES: TO WATCH This Show, Visit