Accelerating Entrepreneurial Success (audio) With John Bowen

Jason Korman Is Impacting Global Organizations By Connecting Culture Trends With Visual Tools – Episode 207



As CEO and co-founder of the top change management consulting firm, gapingvoid, Jason Korman is leveraging the concept of "culture matters." This principle, according to Korman, helps to influence behavior and meaningfully transforms the business mindset. By recognizing this operational mindset within their organizations, entrepreneurs begin to see how connecting ideas with visual tools can drive purpose and meaning. Want to experience ultimate performance, influence behavior and expedite communication? Then align your operating systems and leverage the concept of "culture matters" within your company. Resources Jason Korman - Co-Founder and CEO of 'gapingvoid' gapingvoid - Top Change Management Consulting Firm: Employee Engagement Solutions Mentions Joe Polish - also at AES Nation Tony "Zappos" Hsieh John’s 3 Key Take-aways Culture matters. Recognize there is a process you can use once you are clear on your business culture. Then use it to your benefit to build on your brand and