Sammy P

Balls & All- The Grab Life By The Balls podcast



Looks like I've started another podcast....(Language warning: there's a couple of F bombs and the like) Going live with Shane Giese to blow the lid on what's happening for men from all walks of life- lets face it we all have our own challenges. This convo going to blow the lid on the challenges of (what we call at Grab Life By The Balls) The Inner Prick and The Good Boy Syndrome, as well as letting go of what everyone else is doing; so we can #grablifebytheballs create a better world by building a community of inspired, empowered and on purpose men. Giesa blows me away in this interview, I'm still getting chills as I write this, he shares his darkest moment of his life, how he overcame that, what motivated him to swim the English Channel and his struggle (now passion) of becoming a new dad and the lack of info out there for new dad's. If you, or know of someone that, could guide Shane through turning his passion into something more than that let us know. Giesa is also writing an article for us which I'll p