Intrepid Northeast Radio

Dan Riordan & Dana Saint of Gnarly Bay Films



Dan Riordan and Dana Saint join me on the podcast to talk about their film production company, Gnarly Bay, based in Westerly, Rhode Island. I first heard of Gnarly Bay in 2016 while attending a screening of the Reel Paddling Film Festival near Boston. They produced a film titled The Important Places, written by Forest Woodward about a trip to the Grand Canyon with his 77 year old father, which won the Best Documentary category. I have been following them ever since then. Dan and Dana produce many styles of video, including six second You Tube ads and commercial work that helps pay the bills. But they are best known and highly regarded for their "passion projects." These are the videos that they produce on their own. Designed to provoke some kind of emotion, these films will make you stop and evaluate if you are focusing on the right targets in life. With over 1 million views on some films and 10 Vimeo staff picks, these projects are wildly popular and often lead back to more commercial work, and the circle co