Work Your Worth

004 Finding Your Why



Today we are here to talk about something that you’ve heard us mention briefly in our previous podcasts and that is our WHY’s. Every single person has a why. However, many people have yet to uncover it. According to Simon Sinek (who you may know from his incredible Ted Talk on this subject) Your why is the reason you get up in the morning - the purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do. Knowing your why as a business owner is extremely important because as Simon puts it, “people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” 1. Identify the roles that you have played and currently play in your life. 2. Identify how you went about fulfilling your duty in those roles when you were at your best. 3. Dig deeper -Study your past: 4. Pay attention to your emotions 5. Write down what you need to do for yourself in order to live the life you long for. 6. Look for patterns: while studying your past and evaluating your emotions, what patterns are you noticing? 7. Summariz