The high streets are losing customers....shops are closing down....profits are down....all blaming it on online's a sad situation but it's called progress and you have to work out a way of moving with the times...whatever that might be.....where the general public are concerned you can forget loyalty.....I was in Wetherspoons in Caernarfon last week....a pint of beer was £1.79....the same pint in a high street pub is £2.50 - £ where am I going to go?.....I appreciate small businesses have expenses and rates etc but that is the problem they need to point complaining as that's the way it's like the music business... reel to reel...cassettes etc vanished overnight along with film for cameras and square TVs it or not that is the way of the world and you have to move with the times. 2.Boris Johnson's comment on women in burkhas looking like post boxes is STILL under was a joke....which most people get but OH NO the media have to kee