Botched: A D&d Podcast

Botched: A D&D Podcast S3 EP36 Welcome To Kronenburger



Welcome to Botched: A D&D Podcast! Now that the group has successfully kidnapped Clarice. They have decided to follow their orders however they feel like yet again. The ship floats above Squalls End, waiting. The group has no idea what they’re waiting for exactly. All they know is Clarice needs to be in town at Midnight when the New Gods arrive. I’m sure their plan of waiting until midnight and then parachuting down to the ground just in the nick of time will go perfectly. What could possibly go wrong? What’s happening in town while they wait? How does Clarice feel about the group murdering innocent people to keep the boat running? Tune in and find out! Join in on the banter as these dickheads whose understanding of the rules is questionable, and their moral compasses are even more so, stumble through dungeons, traps, monsters, and social intricacies as they attempt to complete a quest for wholly selfish reasons. If you are a veteran dragon slayer from the long long ago of the 1970’s or a newbie who is inte