Catechesis With Saint John Paul Ii

Pope Paul VI - Catechesis with Papa Wojtyła - Totus2us



St John Paul II, 1 August 1979: "The Pope of Vatican II! The Pope of this profound transformation which was nothing other than a revelation of the face of the Church, awaited by the man and by the world of today! Here too there is an analogy with the mystery of the Lord's Transfiguration. Indeed this same Christ whom the Apostles saw on Mount Tabor was none other than the one they had known each day, the one whose words they had heard and whose actions they had seen. On Mount Tabor he revealed himself to them as the same Lord, but "transfigured. In this Transfiguration was manifested and realized an image of their Master which in all preceding circumstances had been unknown to them, had been veiled before them. John XXIII and, after him, Paul VI received from the Holy Spirit the charism of transformation, thanks to which the figure of the Church, such as everyone knew it, was manifested at once the same and diverse. This "diversity" does not mean detachment from its own essence, but rather, more profound pene