Afterlife Tv With Bob Olson

The Best Evidence That Past Lives Exist



Episode 8 of Season 8 on Afterlife TV: In honor of two of my Ireland traveling companions, Brian & Carole Weiss, this week I’m talking about past lives. Specifically, I answer the question, What is the best evidence that past lives exist? I also talk about children who remember their past lives, which is a fascinating topic. And I give you three mind-blowing books to read about that subject. Finally, also in honor of my friends, I talk about regression hypnotherapy. The show ends with a brief clip of Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives, Many Masters) explaining why some of us came into this lifetime with physical or mental challenges, or were born at a time when circumstances set us up for psychological challenges later in life. Episode 8 is nineteen minutes packed with past-life insight. I think you’ll enjoy it. Check out the Show Notes below the video providing all the links I promise in the show. And let me know what you liked via social media, email or in the comment section below the video on T