Female Potential Podcast

Why Money Matters to Women



An interview with Liz Taylor-Kerr on her mission to teach adults, particularly women, about investing, and also to increase conversations with our children about financial literacy. Today, you find me waiting for my guest to arrive, Liz Taylor Kerr, will be with us shortly. I'm dashing around, I've got a to do list as long as my arm and I was thinking, "Oh, Why Money Matters, that doesn't sound like a really interesting title and I wish I could go back to doing the Vagina Dialogues," which is what I'm planning to do soon. I got to thinking yes, I've got a to do list as long as my arm and where on that to do list is looking at my money, my investments, my future, my pension? It doesn't even get on to the list. For some reason this just isn't a sexy subject for me. I am hoping that by the time Liz finishes talking to us today that it will be slightly sexier, but more important than sexy is it might motivate me to actually do something. I think, I can hear the scooter now. Hello Liz, welcome. Liz: Thank you ve