Awg Live

AWG - Live Epp 9 ( Luke ) strongman, satellite cells, arachidonic acid



Questions for luke who is a super strong lifter in powerlifitng / strongman - How did you get into powerlifting/ weightlifting/strongman - What were your biggest role models / what sports did you play - How did you think the for fun meet went? - How long have you been doing Bulgarian and have you made any - modifications - What is your interest in physiology / HK Research corner studies The impact of power clean ability and training age on adaptations to weightlifting-style training Effect of dietary arachidonic acid supplementation on acute muscle adaptive responses to resistance exercise in trained men: a randomized controlled trial Effect of dietary arachidonic acid supplementation on acute muscle adaptive responses to resistance exercise in trained men: a randomized controlled trial The influence of capillarization on satellite cell pool expansion and activation following exercise