Refuse Defeat With Megan

#008 Negative Income to Thriving Business



Establishing your business. Ready to prove you are the best in your niche. You have it all figured out, and you are ready to go. Now, just minor details… How do you get paid? Do you get paid at the beginning, middle or end? Do you get paid on a payment plan. Will you always be ahead or even? These are questions you will want to think about. I love math, so this is what I break down before I even do research on my idea. I have to know if I should continue with this thought or move on to the next. Although you may be a person with high integrity and be on top of your bills, many others aren’t and sadly, many will take advantage of nice people. Are you thinking that those aren’t your “avatar” or ideal client so you shouldn’t attract those people? Sometimes it may be a true error, but why put your life, your money, your bills, your dream business in risk of not getting paid because of someone else’s mistake? Business is business, tell your clients your rules and establish a clean business relationship! You