Abundant Intuitive Podcast

Mother Creatrix Energy



This is an incredibly powerful activation that helps you to understand and work with your inherent divinity in order to create your reality through the power of your will. Mother Creatrix is the Giver of Life. She is the Cosmic Mother, the great Cosmic Ocean that is the Womb of the Universe. She is that which is hidden within as the fertile seed of all Creation and is being revealed to you now, in a way that is perfect and right for you. The Mother Creatrix oversees the cycle of life, death and rebirth. And as women, so do we. We emerge from the womb and return to the bosom of the cosmos, the tomb of the womb. We create from the womb of cosmic consciousness, we release that which no longer serves our highest good into the void of the Womb for transmutation. We are learning to re-inherit our divinity and to create at will through the energy of the womb. ~ We've been apprenticing with the energy of the Great Mother our whole lives. It's time to fully inherit this great knowledge of the Giver of Life that allows