Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 060: Legal Quickie: What Your Contracts Says About You



As a business owner, we often spend a lot of time thinking about how to brand our businesses. We think through the details of our website, We fuss over our logos, We take a million pictures before we get that perfect Instagram shot… Yet one piece of brand collateral that often doesn’t get thought of that way - are your contracts. (Yes, I said contracts.) You see, beyond just having the right terms and conditions, there’s another element at play with your contract. One that can help you reach and book bigger and better clients. And I’m sharing it in this episode of the Office Talk podcast. To learn more and get the show notes, visit: Disclaimer: This content is for your educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring an attorney. It does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between you and Annette Stepanian. Neither receipt of information presented nor any email or other electronic communication submitted or received will create an a