Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 053: Heather Crabtree: How to be a Savvy Business Owner



When I first started the podcast, one of the reasons I wanted to interview others in business was to learn how they were designing a business and life on their terms. After all, it was only a few years ago that I took the leap to leave a cushy and secure job to begin journey of redesigning my own life in a way that worked for me. In this episode of Office Talk, I’m talking to Heather Crabtree, founder of the Savvy Community about her own journey from law, to running her own event planning business, to what she does today - helping other  female entrepreneurs build successful businesses. In this honest conversation, Heather reveals what her journey has really been like. Hint - it’s not always what it looks like from the outside. WHAT YOU'LL LEARN IN THIS EPISODE How Heather went from law, to running an event planning business, to the founder of the Savvy Business Owners’ Community where she teaches female entrepreneurs how to run a successful business How the loss of a family member has shaped her perspective