Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 052: Anne Samoilov; How to Create an Engaging Launch That’s Both Successful and Simple



Are you gearing up to launch a new product or service?  Anne Samoilov, creator of Fearless Launching, shared so many amazing tips for a successful (and yet simple!) launch in this episode of Office Talk. In fact, even if you have no plans to launch anything right now, you still have to give this interview a listen. Anne’s tips are spot-on for any business owner to improve their ability to make decisions, plan, and execute effectively—in any area of their business, not just when it comes to launch time. It’s like we’re always launching, if you think about it. Every one of us has something we’re looking to get out into the world. Anne talks about how you can begin thinking with a launch mentality, not just for a successful launch, but also for a successful business. The best part? Anne likes to keep things simple, so all of her tips are attainable and will save you so much time—and maybe even your sanity! To learn more and get the show notes, visit: