Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 046: Legal Quickie: Can I Use Photographs of My Client's Wedding to Promote my Wedding Planning Business?



On this episode of Office Talk, I’m answering a question I receive quite a lot when I speak to event and wedding planners.  You see, since event planners are often busy executing and designing the event, there isn’t something tangible left for them to include in their portfolio. That’s why they rely on photographs to help showcase their work and promote their business and services to others. So the question becomes…. Is there a way for wedding and event planners to legally require clients to contractually agree to provide them with access to professional images after the wedding? If so, how do they go about asking for permission? I’m sharing the answer in this week’s Legal Quickie episode!    To learn more and get the show notes, visit:   Disclaimer: This content is for your educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring an attorney. It does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between you and Annette Stepanian.  Neither receipt of