Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 045: Uplevel Your Brand and Website with Irene Hardy



Do you have total website shame? Do you feel like your website or your brand is missing a little somethin’ somethin’? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and today’s Office Talk podcast guest, - Irene Hardy, the owner and creative director of Magnoliahouse Creative -  is sharing some of her designer secrets to help you uplevel your brand. In this episode, she reveals the crucial things that you need to think about when developing your brand identity. Developing a brand is more than just picking a logo. Ultimately, it’s how you make people feel. I also asked Irene to put my website to the test and perform a live brand audit of my website.  (Yikes!) Tune in and learn from my mistakes as she points out areas where I’m doing things right and where I can improve. Brands aren’t reserved for just large corporate companies. Even if you’re a solopreneur or a small shop, you’ve got a brand. So listen in on this episode to learn Irene’s best tips for how to create a brand that lasts. To learn more and get the show notes, visi