Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 043: Nagina Abdullah: Recipe for Growing an Online Business (Even While Working Full-Time)



As you’ve and heard (or know from experience!) getting healthy and in shape can be a tough thing to do. How can someone go about doing this while juggling family, a full-time job and launching an online business at the same time? Our guest in this episode of the Office Talk podcast, knows all about the struggles that a working mother can face when it comes to balancing life, business, and her health. Nagina Abdullah joins us to share her own journey in a demanding role as a marketing consulting, which required frequent travel, and how she leveraged her own weightloss journey into an online business - She’s now developed her brand to a point where she is able to impact the lives of hundreds of women by launching her signature training, Spice Yourself Skinny multiple times a year. Nagina not only reveals how you can lose pounds and feel great while enjoying the process, but shares helpful tips about building a brand (as quickly as possible) so that you have an audience that’s ready to purchase y