Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 040: Legal Quickie: 3 Easy Fixes to Double Check Before You Send or Sign a Contract



When was the last time you took a red pen to your contracts to spot formatting mistakes? Ummmmm….. probably never. Well, believe it or not, minor errors in formatting can make a BIG impact on the way your contracts are interpreted. In this Legal Quickie episode, I’m sharing three common formatting mistakes you’re probably making with your contracts. The good news is they are super easy to fix. So grab a copy of your contract (or if you don’t have one, check out the templates offered on the website), get your red pen, and have a listen to this episode. To learn more and get the show notes, visit:   Disclaimer: This content is for your educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring an attorney. It does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between you and Annette Stepanian.  Neither receipt of information presented  nor any email or other electronic communication submitted or received will create an attorney-client relationship with A