Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 000: About the Show and Your Host Annette Stepanian



I'm beyond thrilled to officially (and finally) unveil the OFFICE TALK podcast. This has been something I've been thinking about doing for over a year and a half now.  I finally decided "What am I waiting for? The time is now." Can we say #paralysisbyanalysis? SO WHAT'S THE PODCAST ALL ABOUT? The podcast won't be all about the law - I know how much you were looking forward to that {wink}. Rather, I'll be sharing the stories of some game-changing entrepreneurs who are designing a business and life on their terms. My journey as an entrepreneur has been full of conversations with other business owners and experts that were chock full of such insight - that I wanted to pass those lessons along to you.  But because I'm a lawyer, you'll get some Legal Quickie episodes too. These will be short episodes answering some frequently asked questions I get about law and business, or offering you some initial insight I've learned.  For more info - visit