

Should Judith segment her newsletter to cover the two distinct areas of interest – low carb and business coaching? Nicola shares her thoughts on the matter! Nicola has some lovely friends staying this week and has decided to go into a joint venture business with the Dad of the family, Peter, which will involve a trip in Spring 2019 to Las Vegas. Judith wasn’t in the mood at all to go back to work on Monday so busied herself instead with some frenzied “spring” cleaning, very much NOT her comfort zone. What’s Fuelled Their Fire? Judith’s got a new notebook for the new term and a new Club 100 client plus she woke from a dream feeling the nudge to start using EFT/tapping with her low carb clients to help them beat the sugar cravings. Nicola’s new major client,, filled her first two workshops which she put down to “low-hanging fruit”. They are working on their third. Focus of the Week Judith received some useful feedback from a newsletter reader that she should ask Nicola for some advice about