Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 224 A plague this way comes



Whenever the topic of a disease breaks into the news cycle I freak out a bit. I do not want Zika and as a father, I get more worried for my son. It freaks me out. What is this new strain, am I at risk. Is my FAMILY at risk.  Truth is I do not know, that is what makes fictional viruses so pervasive and powerful in storytelling. Join Michael and me in this episode as we talk about why contagions and epidemics can take your story to the next level. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show Flow What is good about using plague and pandemics in fiction People are scared to death of the invisible threats Pandemic spreading tales made great fast-paced thriller which ends … If you want a theme about the overreach of man, nothing says overreach like… What do you need to know? The Worldbuilding Task for the Day Create a plague natural, magical, or man-made and war game out what would happen The Real World task for the day Get a cra