Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 169 The Total Beginner's Primer to writing



Today's Topic Starting your writing journey Writing is the second most important skill a worldbuilder can know.  Curiosity is still the most important skill.  Writing is invaluable to a worldbuilder, because you hone your delivery skills and immerse yourself in the world you are creating. It does not matter what medium you share your work. The benefit comes from the exercise you mind receives when writing down the details of the world. You need not ever share your writing to become a writer. However, if you ever want to share the art of your worldbuilding you need to become a writer. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to   The only two things that a writer need to do? You only need to do two things to become a writer. Reading and Writing. You need to spend time reading great works. Not as a fan, but you are looking to find how the writer accomplishes. You are just looking for the brushstrokes used by authors to deliver their stories. I t