Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 160 Stop being stuck and start sharing your fictional world with these 3 simple steps



Today's Topic So you want to share your fictional world and you are stuck, here are 3 simple steps to start now You have something inside you. A fictional world. You need to share it.  You feel it in you. You are exciting.  You sit at the keyboard. You are ready to start.  However, you don’t. You tell yourself it is too difficult. You tell yourself you are not sure what to do. You tell yourself, you have time.  You will just wait until you have something to share. Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to   Stop lying to yourself You are like me a couple of years ago. You are not smart, you are building regret. Stop it and Start. Join Michael and I as we look at why and how you should start. Do not hold off are you are ready to launch your first creative product or you will find yourself alone and lose money. Podcast Show Flow Tirade Three things you need Buy a website address called a URL at NameCheap Get a Website host at HostM and upda