Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 144 The Ripples of Tragedy



Today's Topic – Following the tragedy through a society Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunesFor complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to So often as authors we tap into the emotion of tragedy for our stories.  The tragedy could be limited to a few people, neighborhood, a nation, or even an entire world.  We focus on the emotions.  However, do we think about the effects on society? It is these ripples that often have a lasting impact on the larger community.  It was the Hindenburg crash that ended the age of the blimp and led to the new commercial airlines.  Inspired by the potential problems caused by the train crash in Hoboken, NJ. Michael and I will talk about the impacts of real life tragedies and how they can inspire more detail in fantasy stories. The Worldbuilding Task for the Day Find strange inspiration in the life around you? The Real World task for the day Share the podcast out with two friends that would love to hear more about Worldbuilding. Michael's Resources Use G