Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 123: Turn Your Geek into a small business



Today's Topic – Make your geek official. 3 easy steps to start a small business and a path to marketing yourself Hey, let’s start off serious.  How many authors have you read that you had never heard of before you bought their book?  I have a few. Many coffee table books.  And I have bought a few and had a few given to me gifts. I am much pickier with Games.  If I do not know it, I will not buy it.  I am stuck in my ways.  Now, I have several friends who have large game collections.  I will try out most games with them before I buy any. Know, Since I have started the Worldbuilder’s Anvil. I have had the chance to talk to many people who have great talents in writing, game design and other parts of geekery. There is an amazing amount of talent. Great storytellers and talented individuals all around.  Many of them spend most of their waking hours working and then again on their passion of choice.  Most end up doing very little with it.  They share their passion with a few lucky people they know.  Another lot o