Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 117: Notebooks of DOOM!



  Today's Topic - Using composition notebooks so you do not lose your Unicorns, spackle, and Twilight posters Years ago, I had a great idea.  It involved something with Unicorns, spackle, and a Twilight poster.  It was awesome.  It was going to be a starter for an alternate earth where I could write urban fantasy. I was laughing, and my heart strings got plucked like a banjo. The problem was by the time I got home that was all I could remember.  I cannot even remember how I could connect unicorns, spackle and Twilight poster.  Well, except for using spackle to paste the poster to the unicorn.  Now, I do find the idea amusing.  However, I have no idea why I would think it would make an interesting alternate earth. So, I realized I had a problem.  I cannot remember all the good ideas I have.  So, I started looking for a good way to keep track of my great ideas by projects. Check out the episode and see the system I currently use to track my ideas.  And yes, I used composition notebooks. Enjoy the episode and co