Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 6: Makeover Session



Today's Topic - Makeover Session Name of my world: Gardul Earth-like Fantasy Sometimes: Podcastia Important Rules Recreation and Evolution The elements of the universe are spread out amongst the stars when they explode Life is caused by the elements present on a world Life on different planets can be similar because of the last rule. Speed of light is the maximum speed for particles a atom or larger Cosmic strings can be tapped to bend space and time to allow for faster then light travel and move far distances Some are Major and can be used to travel between different parts of the universe. Others are minor and can be used to move across planets Major points only exist in space Minor points are places the races consider to be holy or magic sites Survival of the fittest does not mean the best, strongest version survives. surviving does not mean winning Economics is ruled by “Human Action” Magic simple another rule of the universe. It allows people to manipulate the other rules for a price. The cos